We Grow At Home!

We grow our prunes in Los Banos, CA, just a few miles away from our manufacturing plant. We also have a large network of growers that deliver to us each and every year in both Northern and Southern California prune regions. The nutrient rich California soil provides our products with a taste that you'll be sure to remember. When we say you''ll taste the difference, we mean it!


California to You!

As a global packer, Hill View Packing can ship our products to you, no matter where in the world you're located. Contact us with your custom requests, and we will work side by side with you to reach your needs, and deliver the best quality packaging and products!

About Us

Hill View Packing Co., Inc., is in the business of packing, shipping, and processing of fresh and dried fruits and other fruit products. The company was formed and facilities were acquired in early 1995. While Hill View is a fairly new entity, the founder and present owners have a history in the food industry dating back over 60 years.

Policy of Quality

Our ambition is to be the best in the business. We believe that quality and sustained customer relations are crucial in achieving positive customer relations and company success. Our quality management system achieves superior product quality and continued food safety through strict adherence to customer specification and maintenance of prerequisite, quality, and regulatory programs. By conforming to superior hygienic practices and ensuring our personnel are properly trained, we can count on continued improvement externally through customer feedback, and internally from employees committed to quality.

Our Mission

We are a global packer committed to sustainably serving and satisfying customers through quality, taste, and industry expertise.

Family Matters

Our Founder

Deeply rooted into the traditions of California agriculture, Valley View Packing launched over 60 years ago in the 1950's. The hard work and labor of Joe Rubino and his brothers are what propelled the strong family oriented company. Over the years as San Jose began to grow and develop, Valley View eventually transitioned into Hill View Packing in 1995. Joe Rubino, one of the brothers, became the founder of the current Hill View Packing. As many years of previous experience were gained at Valley View, Joe was involved in the growing of many fruits and the development of the modern-day dryers for the prune industry. Among his other accomplishments were producing high quality fruit concentrates, prune concentrates, juices, nectars, and other dried fruit products.

Unfortunately, in late 1995, Joe Rubino passed away. However, the management continues as a family owned company head by Joe Rubino's children Diane and Joe, current President and Vice President, respectively. Both Diane and Joe are trained and experienced through many years under their father's tutelage. Their goal is to continue in the tradition of their father to provide quality service together with high quality products. Three generations strong, Hill View continues to implement the importance of traditions, family, and quality products and services. We are a company truly rooted in the history of agriculture in California, more specifically, the Bay Area, or as it was once known as "The Valley of Hearts Delight".

Meet the Team

Diane and Joe are the masterminds behind the development and continued legacy of Hill View Packing. As President and Vice President of the company, and siblings, they work together to ensure and maintain premium products and services to their customers and employees.

Diane Rubino Ferrara



Diane, President of Hill View Packing, is passionate about providing customers with the best quality of products and services. Being within the food processing business her entire life, she is experienced  and knowledgeable in the industry, leading Hill View Packing to be a top food and processing company.

Through her dedication to the company, she strives to continue a legacy of good quality products, and maintain the profound reputation which began generations back by her father Joe Rubino, founder of Hill View Packing.

In her spare time, Diane enjoys riding horses, participating in cutting competitions, spending time outdoors, and fine dining.

Joe Rubino


Vice President

Joe grew up as a child surrounded by agriculture. As the son of Hill View Packing's founder, Joe was born into the industry. His undying knowledge within the business provides Hill View Packing with the opportunity to grow endlessly.

Joe is passionate about maintaining premium products, and customer relations. His hospitality reaches beyond the office, to each person he communicates with.

In his spare time, Joe enjoys collecting antique vehicles & equipment, outdoor activities, spending time with his family, and traveling

Next Steps...

To get in contact with our corporate or manufacturing office, give us a call, or send us an e-mail! We would love to hear from you!